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A new achievement for Crossover 

Dear valued friends,

We’ve been fortunate to experience many developments this year, including our acceptance within the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

It is an exciting achievement for us and a testament to the hard work of team Crossover.

Our company motto is Collaboration, Integrity and Professionalism: something we place at the heart of our business. This recognition shows how seriously we take this and our ongoing commitment to the built environment.

Being part of the RICS assures that we promise to keep up these standards and continue to elevate as we move forward and expand our services.

For more information on what this accolade means for us please see our handy infographic below:

A colourful illustrated image with text describing the following: We're excited to reveal that we're now registered with the royal institute of chartered surveyors. Being a member of the RICS is a privilege and a recognition that our values of trust, professionalism and integrity align with the core ideals that the RICS represents. Our acceptance as a registered firm signifies our commitment to uphold these high values and a dedication to ethical and honest construction. As a globally recognised professional standard, this achievement assures that we provide quality services, a feat we're incredibly proud of! With the expansion of our consultancy services, our membership provides a mark of approval for both our delivery and services (that now include RICS homebuyer surveys for those interested in property purchasing). To learn more about our consultancy services, click the link in our bio or find us as a registered firm in the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors official directory.